WordPress Plugins by Muralidharan indiacitys.com technologies

Category sub-category widget for WordPress websites

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  • #89

    Widget to list category and subcategories of posts/custom taxonomies/custom post types in WordPress websites

    This widget lists categories and subcategories in user-friendly horizontal pattern.

    It has additional feature to add custom icons for every categories/taxonomies in WordPress websites

    Category icons can be edited/removed/update with new icons under edit category or under edit custom taxonomy admin screen

    Go to widgets admin section to select category/taxonomies, display category icons, display/hide empty categories and to show/hide count of posts in categories

    Compatible with blocks under widgets section

    Download this plugin

    • This topic was modified 3 years, 3 months ago by Murali.
    • This topic was modified 2 years, 1 month ago by Murali.

    Category subcategory widget horizontal menu with icons New version 5.7 released today compatible upto latest version of WordPress 5.9 and compatible with Buddyx theme and other themes

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